How do I choose a skin for the music player?


Cincopa has seven free "Music Player Skins" of various sizes to choose from. Customize the size of your music player and playlist window. Preview your music player in a separate window before deciding on a skin. Add album art, or add your own images. Offer your music for download, or protect it. 
Premium users can remove the Cincopa branding from their music players ("Powered by Cincopa") and choose from several options like autoplay, loop, repeat, and more. Simply choose your skin and proceed to the next step. Upload Your Music Files.

Cincopa has seven free "Music Player Skins" of various sizes to choose from. Visit Cincopa skins page to view all available skins.

Customize the size of your music player and playlist window.

Preview your music player in a separate window before deciding on a skin.

Add album art, or add your own images.

Offer your music for download, or protect it. 

Pro Account users can remove the Cincopa branding from their music players ("Powered by Cincopa") and choose from several options like autoplay, loop, repeat, and more.

To get started, simply choose your skin and proceed to the next step and upload your music files.

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