Gray Series - How can I set the thumbnail for my videos and set the "Content size" and "Rotate time" ?

When user's select the skin for the videos, they will find that we have two categories for video players:
a. Video Players.
b. Simple Video Players.

If the user select any of the skin under "Video Players" category, then we don't have the option to set the "Rotate time" and "Content Size". However, if the user select any of the skin under "Simple Video Players" category then he/she will have these options available.
Please check the steps below to set the video thumbnail:

1. Sign in to cincopa through

2. Click on "Media Platform" > "My Galleries".

3. Hover your mouse over your gallery, and the following options will appear:
-duplicate folder
-get code

4. Click on "Edit".

5. Select your "Skin", change the settings as per your need and click on "Save Settings and Continue" on the top right corner.

6. You have reach the upload page. On this page, you can either select the files you have uploaded already, or click on "Upload more files" on the top right corner to add more files.
7. After you are done, click on "Finish and Continue"

8. Then you will reach the page where you can edit or remove the "Caption and Description of your files". Please make sure that the image comes before your video in the order page.

9. Then click on "Save and Continue" and refresh your web site. You don't have to re-embed your galleries once again to your website.

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