How do I add a Cincopa photo or video gallery to a regular web page?


Cincopa gallery can be embedded at almost any site that support pasting HTML code.
Follow those instructions to get your embed code or tag :
1. Go to your My Galleries page.
2. Hover over the gallery and click "Get Code"
3. Click on the <img width=30px src="" />
4.Copy the code and paste it 

Cincopa gallery can be embedded on almost any site that supports pasting HTML code.

Follow those instructions to get your embed code or tag:

  1. Go to your My Galleries page
  2. Hover over the gallery you want to embed and click "Get Code"
  3. Click on code_icon.png to get the code for your website
  4. Copy the code and paste it into the webpage where you want the gallery to display


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