How to post a Cincopa gallery in a TypePad blog post

This guide describes how to display a Cincopa gallery on TypePad. 

This guide assumes you have already created a gallery within your Cincopa account and that you have a TypePad account. If you have not created a gallery, please follow the Getting Started Guide  or the How to Create a Gallery Video before continuing. 

To embed your Cincopa Gallery in TypePad website please follow the steps below:

1. Create your Cincopa gallery

2. On step 4 "Embed Your Gallery" page choose "TypePad" and copy the code of your gallery.



3. Log in to your TypePad Dashboard. On the right side of the Dashboard in the Manage My Blog box, click Compose.



4. The code you copied must be entered in the HTML editor, not the Rich Text editor. To access the HTML editor, click HTML above the editor box.


5. Paste the code into the HTML editor box.


6. Make any other edits you need. If you switch back to the Rich Text editor from the HTML editor, you will see the Cincopa gallery placeholder in the editor shown below. Do not remove it.



7. Click Save to publish your post with the Cincopa gallery.


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