How do I activate my account?


When a user creates an account with Cincopa, he/she receives an email on the email address which he/she used to register the account with Cincopa so that the account can be activated.
Here are the steps we can suggest to the user:
* After creating the account with Cincopa, you will receive the following message: "Your email is not yet confirmed, Confirm your email to fully activate your account".
* Click on "Confirm your email". Then you will reach the page "Confirm email address" where you will see the message: "An email has been sent to you when you've registered your account - please check your inbox (or spam box) and confirm your email to continue". 
* Sign in to the email account that you have used to register with us. You will see an email from Cincopa. In the body of the email you will get the below message: 
"Thank you for joining Cincopa!
Click here to confirm your email address.
Note that you can always change your email address from your profile.
If the link doesn't work simply copy and paste this URL to the browser: "Here you will see the URL to activate your account" 
* If you still does not receive an email from Cincopa. Click on "Send email again" on "Confirm email address" page. If it still does not work click on "Change email".
* After changing the email, sign in once to the new email and check. 
* Once you will confirm your email from your inbox, you will get the "Email confirmed" page on your screen where you will get the message: "Your email address" is now confirmed and active.
* Then click on sign in and you will be able to see your Cincopa account. 

When a you create an account with Cincopa, you will receive an email on the email address which you used to register the account with Cincopa so that the account can be activated.

  • After creating the account with Cincopa, you will receive the following message: "Your email is not yet confirmed, Confirm your email to fully activate your account".
  • Click on "Confirm your email". Then you will reach the page "Confirm email address" where you will see the message: "An email has been sent to you when you've registered your account - please check your inbox (or spam box) and confirm your email to continue". 
  • Sign in to the email account that you have used to register with us. You will see an email from Cincopa. In the body of the email you will get the below message:  "Thank you for joining Cincopa!Click here to confirm your email address.Note that you can always change your email address from your profile.If the link doesn't work simply copy and paste this URL to the browser: "Here you will see the URL to activate your account" 
  • If you still does not receive an email from Cincopa. Click on "Send email again" on "Confirm email address" page. If it still does not work click on "Change email".
  • After changing the email, sign in once to the new email and check. 
  • Once you will confirm your email from your inbox, you will get the "Email confirmed" page on your screen where you will get the message: "Your email address" is now confirmed and active.
  • Then click on sign in and you will be able to see your Cincopa account. 


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