Refund Process

Understanding Refund Process

Cincopa offers a FREE account and a Pro account with a 14 Day Trial Period. The FREE account is completely free and you will not be asked to enter any billing information. If you decide to upgrade your account then you'll need to enter your credit card or PayPal however you'll NOT be billed for the first 14 day. Within those 14 day trial, you will be testing our Pro product and services. During this timeframe you can cancel your subscription and pay nothing. Once paid you can cancel your subscription and we'll stop billing you immediately. Please note that we'll not refund any payment that you have already made. Here are the things that you need to take note:

1. Within 14 Day Trial - You will have an active subscription of a Premium Account (Pro) while leaving your Credit Card/Paypal uncharged.

2. After 14 Day Trial - The system will process your subscription and bills you, this payment is NOT REFUNDABLE.

3. Charged Twice - This is rare to happen but Cincopa will process and refund you.

4. Subscribed the wrong package - This is applicable for storage and traffic package. If the customer mistakenly purchased the wrong package (storage instead of traffic or the other way around) then sorting of account will apply.

5. In case you subscribed to a traffic or storage package and you decided to cancel we'll stop billing you and the package will be cancelled immediately from your traffic or storage quota. No full or partially refunds will be given.

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