How to Install Cincopa Desktop Media Agent

If you’re a novice user, you might find it easier to download a small application that will enable you to manipulate the files you upload to your galleries through a user-friendly interface. Cincopa will recognize your operating system and tell you which version of the software you need to download. Many users report using the batch upload online is more user-friendly and quicker. Familiarize yourself with both and make your own choice!



  1. Download the Media File setup executable.
  2. In the Opening setupcincopa.exe dialog box, click Save File.
  3. Depending on your browser, you may need to find the downloaded file on your hard drive. Double-click it. Alternatively, double click the file displayed in the pop-up window on your screen.
  4. Click OK to run the executable file.
  5. Click Run.
  6. Click Install.
  7. Click Run Now.
  8. Click the Cincopa icon on your taskbar to run the application.
  9. Type your username and password which are the same as those you registered with.
  10. Click Add Folder to tell Cincopa agent where you keep your media files. When you finish click Confirm.
    Note: The agent will NOT upload those folders and files at this point. It will scan and send information about those folder's structure and file's meta data to the server.

Go back to the Getting Started Guide.

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