Widescreen with vertical video list offers the most intuitively easy to use video skin with a wide screen. We call it comfort viewing. It's great to showcase high quality videos.
presets :
- Widescreen with Vertical Video List (660x334)
Basic Parameters
- Height - height of your gallery
- Width - width of your gallery
- Control Bar - position of the control bar. Can be set to bottom, over or none
- Icons - set this to false to hide the play button and buffering icon in the middle of the video
- Playlist - position of the playlist. Can be set to bottom, right, over or none
- Playlist size - when playlist = bottom, this refers to the height, when = right, this refers to the width of the playlist
- Auto Start - automatically start the player on load
- Start Item - item that should start to play. Use this to set a specific start item
- Link Target - browser frame where link from the display in opened in. Can be '_self' (same frame) or '_blank' (new browser window)
- Repeat - set to list to play the entire playlist once, to always to repeatedly play the song or playlist, and to single to continually play a selected song
- Stretching - defines how to resize images in a display. Can be none (no stretching), exact fit (disproportionate), uniform (stretch with black borders), or fill (uniform but completely fill the display)
Professional Parameters
- Cooliris – will add a link to you gallery and allow your users to use the cool Cooliris player, which is a popular new way of browsing images and videos
- Allow Download – will let your users download the original files using a zip file. Remember that in this instance, users will be able to use your images as they wish
- Domain Lock – will lock your gallery to your site so that nobody will be able to hack into it
- Remove Cincopa Branding – (only available for premium users) will remove Cincopa branding from your site ... though we don't know why you'd want to ...
- Back Color - background color of the control bar and playlist
- Light Color - color of all icons and text in the control bar and playlist
- Front Color - color of an icon or text when you roll over it with the mouse
- Screen Color - background color of the display
- Display Click - what to do when one clicks the display. Can be play, link, mute, fullscreen, none, next. When none, the handcursor is also not shown
- Watermark logo - location of an image file - jpg, png, gif - to display in the corner of the screen
- Mute - mute all sounds on start up
- Volume - start up volume of the player. Can be 0 to 100. Is saved in a cookie
- Buffer length - default is 1. Number of seconds of the file that has to be loaded before starting. Set this to a low value to enable a quicker start up and to a high value to get less mid-screen buffering
- Allow Grab - Enable this feature to allow your viewer to grab this gallery and embed it in their site
Notes: Some settings can only be changed if you are a premium user.