Accounts, Plans, Billing & Payment
Topics regarding Cincopa account management, Cincopa plans, billing and payment.
- How to change credit cards for your current credit card payments
- How to cancel Cincopa plan or package paid with Credit Card
- Cincopa Now Accepts Credit Card Payments
- Billing Telephone Number
- Cancel recurring payment (monthly or yearly)
- Refund Process
- How to cancel plan or package from your PayPal account directly
- When does the traffic and storage quota reset?
- How can I change my user name?
- I linked my personal Cincopa account to a WordPress. I'm not in charge of that site anymore, but my account can be still accessed and managed from the dashboad. How can I remove this access?
- I have a Cincopa for a Cause Account, why can't I remove the branding?
- I have a Pro Account, what happens when I exceed my traffic or bandwidth quota?
- I'm getting the error message "Cincopa user is out of storage quota" on a gallery, what does this mean?
- How do I sign up for the free two week Pro Account trial?
- When my Pro Account expires, what happens to my media?
- Can I choose to show my images in the original size if I upgrade to a Pro Account?
- If I exceeded the bandwidth or storage limit of my plan, what will the cost be?
- How do I change my billing information?
- How much does Cincopa cost?
- I'm not getting an email confirmation, what should I do?
- What is the difference between storage and traffic?
- How do I activate my account?
- How can I remove the auto-fill of my password on the Cincopa page ?
- How can I change my username and password?
- Can I make a payment with WebMoney?
- Can I make a payment with Moneybookers?
- How do I cancel my Cincopa account?
- How do I setup a second account?
- Can I copy media from my free account into my Pro Account?
- How can I remove the "Powered By Cincopa" branding?